Teen Counseling

Teen Counseling

As you search for teen counseling, or even type “teen counseling near me” into your favorite search engine, we hope you consider the staff at Great Oak Counseling! With a team of dedicated and skilled counselors, Great Oak Counseling is equipped to guide your teenager through a variety of challenges and symptoms. We offer many options for teen therapy, including counseling for teens and therapy for teenage depression.


Counseling is a collaborative effort between a counselor and a client with the goal of identifying both challenges that cause emotional distress and potential solutions to those challenges that helps improve daily life. Teen counseling can be used to strengthen communication and coping skills, heighten self-esteem, and promote behavior change and optimal mental health. The professionals at Great Oak Counseling work with children, teens, and adults suffering from a variety of symptoms including but not limited to depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal ideation, personality disorders, mood disorders, PTSD, crisis, grief/loss, ADHD, reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and other mental health challenges.


If you are new to Great Oak Counseling, it is important to know that our counseling practice was first founded on the courage and power of the Great Oak tree. Great Oak trees gain strength from its deep roots that grow and develop through both patience and persistence. As a Great Oak tree matures, it has an unparalleled ability to withstand rain, wind, storm, and other toxic intruders. Because of its patience, endurance, and strength, the Great Oak tree is able to produce some of the most beautiful and inspiring forms of life imaginable. It is on this symbolism that the Great Oak Counseling practice was first founded. As professional counselors, it is through this symbolism that we serve. We believe all people have the capacity to grow, be courageous, and endure patiently. We also believe that through the challenges we experience, we have the ability to increase our capacity to heal and grow stronger than ever.


Along with a deep desire to spread this message gleaned from the Great Oak tree, the professional counselors at Great Oak Counseling have a variety of experience and expertise. Helping individuals with depression, anxiety, addiction, anger management and more, you can rest assured that your loved ones will receive compassionate and effective care at Great Oak Counseling. All of our counselors have advanced training and certification in many specialty areas including trauma and PTSD, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and counseling for teens and children. Our counseling services include:

  • Individual Counseling
  • Child & Adolescent Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling and Couples Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Assessment & Diagnosis
  • Substance Abuse Counseling


If you think your teenager would benefit from counseling with a licensed professional, we recommend reaching out to your doctor and giving the Great Oak Counseling team a call at 573.271.2008. Our staff is prepared to work with you and your teen to better understand the symptoms your teen and/or your family might be experiencing. We can also help you better understand whether or not counseling is the right form of treatment. In general, teen counseling can be helpful if your teen is experiencing signs or symptoms of mental health challenges that have been present for two or more weeks and/or are interfering with your teenager’s ability to successfully complete daily activities. Teen counseling can be an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal ideation, personality disorders, mood disorders, PTSD, crisis, grief, and loss. It can also be helpful for a variety of developmental issues such as ADHD, reactive attachment disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and more.


To set up an appointment, ask questions about teen counseling, or receive additional information about any of our counseling services, please give the Great Oak Counseling team a call at 573.271.2008. You may also send us an email at info@greatoakcounseling.com. As you consider reaching out, please remember that people who seek out counseling services are not crazy, broken, or weak. There is an innate need in all of us to have healthy and authentic connection with other people and counseling provides an opportunity to grow by acknowledging limits and harnessing self-improvement. At Great Oak Counseling, we call a desire to engage in that type of personal growth courageous. We hope to hear from you soon.

Contact Us

For more information or to set up an appointment:
P. 573.271.2008
E. info@greatoakcounseling.com